Channel Tools partners with BPD Zenith to offer their LoveYourAsset Asset Health Monitoring Solution

This strategic agreement was formalised in July 2020.

Bryony sandy Channel Partnerships

By Bryony Sandy
19th October 2020

Channel Tools today announces signing a strategic agreement with BPD Zenith to distribute their solution LoveYourAsset, an asset health monitoring solution designed to help businesses maximise the benefits of their software solutions over the lifecycle of their physical assets. This agreement will allow Channel Tools to develop a sales channel for LoveYourAsset in the EMEA region and will be delivered through Channel Tools partnership with Tech Data EMEA.

LoveYourAsset is a subscription-based service bringing together asset records, internal systems, and data from IoT devices into one central, easy to understand asset health dashboard. Configuration has been streamlined – simply upload your asset and sensor registries – if an assets health falls outside of the performance thresholds you enter, you will be alerted immediately via email or SMS. Find out more about the solution here.

Kewal Gupta, Chairman and Founder at Channel Tools said, “We are pleased to have signed this agreement with LoveYourAsset, an offering from BPD Zenith. LoveYourAsset is an out of the box solution that easily lets you monitor numerous sensor data points of an asset. Because of the way it has been engineered this can easily scale from 1 to 1000s of assets being monitored using a well-priced subscription model.”

Richard Donaldson, CEO for UK and Europe at BPD Zenith, added, “BPD Zenith are delighted to be partnering with Channel Tools to offer LoveYourAsset – we recognise the increased importance and value of Asset Health Monitoring, but also the complexities in identifying and selecting the right sensor solutions to provide a complete view of your asset’s health. We developed LoveYourAsset to allow users to monitor and track their critical assets/data constantly and in real-time, without compromising on functionality or capability. LoveYourAsset is built on solid enterprise foundation framework and our experience gained over the last 26 years of providing Enterprise Asset Management to industries around the world.

By bringing the right sensor and IoT enabled technology, Companies can achieve the next step in Enterprise Asset Management and drive optimisation and efficiency to the next level. These are challenging but exciting times for the industry, and we feel LoveYourAsset, in partnership with Channel Tools, is perfectly placed to assist continued growth and success.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the LoveYourAsset asset health monitoring solution and our strategic agreement with BPD Zenith, we would love to hear from you.

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